The Public Guardian, Gifts and Attorneys

By Georgina Baidoun, 10 June 2024 My interest in observing COP cases is limited to cases involving attorneys and deputies, and these are usually about property and financial affairs. There are few of them to observe and they are increasingly listed as being ‘in person’, which makes it hard for me to attend.  I was thereforeContinue reading “The Public Guardian, Gifts and Attorneys”

“Getting it right first time around”: How members of the public contribute to the judicial “learning experience” about transparency orders

By Celia Kitzinger, 7th June 2024 We operate a “Watch List” at the Open Justice Court of Protection Project.  We do this because the Court of Protection doesn’t always get things right first time around.   Sometimes we find repeated problems with how particular judges’ hearings are listed (e.g. they don’t have descriptors to tell us what they’reContinue reading ““Getting it right first time around”: How members of the public contribute to the judicial “learning experience” about transparency orders”