A law graduate’s first experience of a COP (telephone) hearing

By Emily Williscroft, 7 October 2020 My experience of observing a Court of Protection hearing was exciting and bewildering and a brilliant educational opportunity.  I feel inspired to observe more hearings because it’s such a fantastic way of learning more about the law in practice. I finished my undergraduate degree (with first class honours from EdgeContinue reading “A law graduate’s first experience of a COP (telephone) hearing”

Observing as a GDL student in the (virtual) Court of Protection

As a GDL student looking to gain legal experience in the middle of a global pandemic, things have not been easy recently … I am extremely grateful to the Open Justice Court of Protection Project … for providing me with the information and assistance I needed to be able to gain access to a hearing”

The myths and mistakes of capacity and criminality

“If we recognise that P may be a victim of offending, we must also recognise that some Ps are at risk of offending. Likewise, those who have offended in the past may lose capacity in the future. When we accept these basic propositions as fact, we may start to break down the myths and stop the mistakes when issues of criminality and capacity collide.”

Lasting Powers of Attorney: Preferences and Instructions

By Heledd Wyn – 3rd September 2020 Hearings in the Court of Protection sometimes include consideration of Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPA). Did the person have capacity to grant the LPA? Do they have capacity to cancel it? Is the attorney acting in the person’s best interests?   In this blog I consider the importance of LPAs asContinue reading “Lasting Powers of Attorney: Preferences and Instructions”

Accessing Open Justice: Our Experience

“…Overall, we encourage anyone with an interest in open justice (which should be everyone), including students, or aspiring lawyers, to utilise this great project and raise awareness of just how open, open justice can be…”

Lived Experience and Professional Expertise as a Lawyer in the Court of Protection

“…We are not faceless, and any one of us could become involved as the subject of, or family member to a person subject to Court of Protection proceedings…”

NEWS: Gill Loomes-Quinn will be talking about the Project at the Mental Disability Law – Postgraduate and Early Career Researcher Seminar on Wednesday 22nd July

By Gill Loomes-Quinn – 16th July 2020 Gill is looking forward to giving a talk about the project, and how we contribute to, and champion the cause of Open Justice in the Court of Protection – at 3.30 pm next Wednesday 22nd July, 2020. This will be as part of the Mental Disability Law –Continue reading “NEWS: Gill Loomes-Quinn will be talking about the Project at the Mental Disability Law – Postgraduate and Early Career Researcher Seminar on Wednesday 22nd July”

A Basic Guide to the Court of Protection

“… there is a difference between open justice and comprehensible justice. It is one thing for people to be able to come to court (whether in person or, at present, largely remotely) and another for them to be able to follow what is going on there…”

Who’s Who in the Court of Protection?

“There can be a large number of people involved in a hearing in the Court of Protection, and as an observer who does not have access to the court papers, it is not always easy to figure out who is who. This Explainer may help.”