Does being watched change how justice is done? A researcher’s reflections

Now seems like an ideal time to reflect on what we have learned about the relationships between open justice and social justice and to discuss with those working across other courts and tribunals how our experiences intersect with theirs – what we might learn, and how we might maximise our impact.

A Decision about Capacity

Ruth was not in court. She was represented in court by a barrister appointed and instructed via the Official Solicitor. Her barrister reported that “Ruth is very clear in her own mind that she does not lack capacity to make these decisions”. But he did not argue on her behalf that the court should accept that she has capacity.

Dementia, Cats and Football

Gerald “strongly believed he could manage at home with care visits, but preferred to stay in the current ‘so-so’ home if around-the-clock care was needed. If a care home was truly necessary, Gerald asked only that one capable of accommodating his cat could be found….”

A law graduate’s first experience of a COP (telephone) hearing

By Emily Williscroft, 7 October 2020 My experience of observing a Court of Protection hearing was exciting and bewildering and a brilliant educational opportunity.  I feel inspired to observe more hearings because it’s such a fantastic way of learning more about the law in practice. I finished my undergraduate degree (with first class honours from EdgeContinue reading “A law graduate’s first experience of a COP (telephone) hearing”

Observing as a GDL student in the (virtual) Court of Protection

As a GDL student looking to gain legal experience in the middle of a global pandemic, things have not been easy recently … I am extremely grateful to the Open Justice Court of Protection Project … for providing me with the information and assistance I needed to be able to gain access to a hearing”

New Hearing Feedback Form

“…We hope people observing hearings will want to use the Hearing Feedback Form. We think it will be useful to you in providing a structure for your observations and prompts as to what to look out for to achieve the best possible understanding of what is going on in court…”

How to Find a Court of Protection Hearing to Observe

By Celia Kitzinger, 17th August 2020 There are various ways for you to find a hearing to observe, if you are interested in seeing law in action in the Court of Protection. Obviously, you can simply pick one of our “Featured Hearings” from the home page of our website: we update them every evening forContinue reading “How to Find a Court of Protection Hearing to Observe”

A Case Manager observes in the Court of Protection

“…Having observed, I won’t be so concerned, if I’m needed for a hearing in the Court of Protection professionally in the future. It helped me understand too what the expectations are in advance of a case being in court…”