Advocacy in the William Verden hearing: Observations from a trainee barrister

Court of Protection hearings provide very valuable opportunities to observe the practice and effect of oral and written advocacy from skilled QCs and other barristers. Every trainee barrister would come away stronger after observing a Court of Protection hearing…. This was a profoundly useful hearing to observe as a Bar student.

Should P’s ‘Litigation Friend’ instruct P’s lawyer to promote P’s wishes and leave ‘Best Interests’ decision-making to the judge?

“…Do we need to change the system? Should P’s ‘Litigation Friend’ instruct P’s lawyer to promote P’s views – and leave ‘Best Interests’ decision-making to the judge?”

Navigating Approaches to Care when Family and Local Authority Disagree

By Hilary Paxton, 31st July, 2020 On 29 June I started a job as a 2-day per week trainee Independent Mental Capacity Advocate (IMCA) and Relevant Person’s Representative (RPR) for an advocacy provider in Yorkshire. I am currently doing my induction and lots of training.  I have never worked with the Court of Protection andContinue reading “Navigating Approaches to Care when Family and Local Authority Disagree”

The first two weeks of Open Justice in the Court of Protection

“…We look forward to our project playing a role in championing the values of Transparency and Disability Justice in the Court of Protection.”