Cataract surgery for a patient who’s refusing it

It can feel wrong to force someone to have medical treatment they say they don’t want.  It can also feel wrong to acquiesce to someone’s (non-capacitous) wishes, knowing that they will suffer and/or die as a result.

Delays in finding an Acquired Brain Injury Placement: “A very significant degree of muddle”

By Gaby Parker, 29th June 2021 On 23rd June 2021 I observed a hearing (via MS Teams) before Mr Justice Hayden in the Court of Protection: COP 1354439T Re. PH.  The case was about finding a suitable placement for P who remains in hospital although he is fit for discharge and has been for a long time. TheContinue reading “Delays in finding an Acquired Brain Injury Placement: “A very significant degree of muddle””

“I have agoraphobia and I had a home birth”

By Michelle Bromley-Hesketh, 28th May 2021 Editorial note (Celia Kitzinger):  I contacted Michelle Bromley-Hesketh after she posted several tweets about the judgment by Holman J, as reported in the press and covered by my blog post.  She said it made her “very angry”, and she was concerned that pregnant women reading about the case – especiallyContinue reading ““I have agoraphobia and I had a home birth””

Agoraphobia, pregnancy and forced hospital admission: Public responses to media reports

On 14th May 2021, BBC News and two national newspapers ran a story about a Court of Protection hearing concerning  a 21-year-old woman with agoraphobia who is pregnant and wants to give birth at home.  There is no published judgment available yet so these media reports are the only publicly available sources of information.

Psychiatric Survivors’ Views on Advance Consent and ‘Forced’ Treatment

“… I remain hopeful that by highlighting cases such as Paul’s and learning from lived experiences of psychiatric survivors, we can make small steps that will lead to better experiences of treatment for those in mental health crisis.”

Advance Requests for Restraint and Compulsory Treatment

“For Paul, the outcome was the one he wanted – at least at time of capacity…[but]…That decision was not his. it was a best interests decision made by the court…”

Authorising restraint– an uneasy judicial decision

“…The person at the centre of the case (“F”) was described as an intelligent, articulate woman. She is 38 years old and has end-stage kidney failure. She had refused dialysis between 28 July and 11 August 2020 and was at a real risk of dying…”